
Struggling To Build A Fanbase Online?

Meet PressNation.

Building An Audience And Turning Them Into
Raving Fans Is What We Do Best

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Built By The Previous Publicist
Of Top Influencers

Here’s What They Have To Say…

Russell Brunson

“He did more in the first 45 days than I ever got in the past with any other media person. Huge fan of his now!”

Frank Kern

“This man is as good as it gets in the PR world!”

Anik Singal

“I would highly HIGHLY recommend working with him. Shout out to these guys for doing a tremendous job! “

So, What’s a…
Digital Influence Platform?

Let’s Face It — Having a presence on 10+ different social channels with no followers is like speaking on a stage in the world’s largest auditorium filled with empty seats and no line outside waiting to come in.

That’s Where The Digital Influence Platform Comes In.

It acts as your “event promoter” that finds your target audience and brings them to the auditorium ready to find their seat, excited to hear your message and wanting to learn from you.

This Platform Is THE Secret
To Building A Fanbase

It’s the one way to help you stand out over the other…
– 60,000,000+ Facebook Pages
– 51,000,000+ YouTube Channels
– 5,000,000+ Podcasts

Without The Platform

No Audience
No Fans
No Traffic
No Sales

With The Platform

Stream of New Audiences
Raving Fanbase
Increased Traffic
Massive Sales

Want To Actually Compete With The Millions?

Then Try PressNation Today For Free!

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PressNation Builds and Manages An Audience For You!

We’re the first ever created Digital Influence Platform, and the first to leverage earned media to build an audience and social media to manage and interact with that audience so you can convert them into raving fans!

Advertising costs are constantly increasing, but with PressNation we leverage fully organic public relations and marketing strategies in order to build a fanbase without breaking the bank on paid advertising.

And guess what? We use our own software to build and scale. We used our tool to get you here!

But That’s Not All PressNation Does…

PressNation Gives You Everything You Need To Build, Manage, And Interact With Your Audience Online

All In One Convenient Platform

PressNation Is…

Your Publicist

Landing news interviews used to mean hiring a public relations firm that charges $10K/month on average. What used to cost thousands can now be done for free through our platform, landing real news interviews in as little as one hour!

With PressNation, You Can…

Access a database of thousands of media contacts from podcasts, television, magazines, newspapers and many others.

Answer a few questions about the contact and have a personalized pitch written for you and sent to them on your behalf.

Track open and response rates to your pitches, and leverage AI when you need help with how to respond to interests.

PressNation Replaces:

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Start your free trial today

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PressNation Is…

Your Content Calendar

Scheduling content across 10+ social channels used to take a lot of work. Jumping between platforms, creating graphics with the right dimensions, scheduling based on the audience interaction. What used to take days can now be done in a single afternoon!

With PressNation, You Can…

Schedule your posts out for specific days and times to reach your audience at the right moment.

Create image, video or plain text posts and share them across 10 different social media channels in one click.

Keep track of what’s going live on which platforms and when through our interactive calendar.

PressNation Replaces:

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PressNation Is…

Your Social Media Manager

Posting the same type of content across social channels used to mean you had to interact with each audience on each platform separately. Now when you post the same content across multiple channels, you can interact with the audience of each channel from one screen!

With PressNation, You Can…

Interact with your audience across all social channels from one platform to streamline the process.

Keep track of when people comment, like or share one of your posts no matter the platform.

For the times you’re not sure what to say, use the AI content generator to create the post and suggest relevant graphics.

PressNation Replaces:

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No Contracts – Cancel Any Time

Start your free trial today

No Contracts – Cancel Any Time

PressNation Is…

Your Graphic Designer

Knowing the right dimensions based on which social channel your posting to is only half of the battle. Visual graphics on social media are key to growth but often times the hargest part. So we’ve added a fully integrated imade editor.

With PressNation, You Can…

Choose the dimension you’re wanting based on the social platform you’re posting to.

Customize the image with borders, logos, text and so much more to make it personalized to your brand.

We also include access to millions of royalty free images to use for your social posts which you can customize through the editor.

PressNation Replaces:

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PressNation Is…

Your Social Analytics

Knowing your numbers is an important part of business growth, but keep track of the analytics across all social platforms can be overwhelming. We solved that problem so you can see it all in one platform.

With PressNation, You Can…

See top performing posts and even get AI suggested improvements based on your analytics and best/worse performing posts.

Learn more about your demographics on each platform from age, location, gender and interests.

Keep track of growth graphs across all platforms so you can know which ones are doing well and which need some work.

PressNation Replaces:

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PressNation Gives Your Everything
You Need To Build An Audience Online

While Also Boosting Your Credibility Through Earned Media!

Media Contacts

Access to thousands of podcasters, reporters, journalist, and more from small to global media outlets.

Pitch Generator

Answer a few questions and our platform will write the pitch for you to the media outlet of your choice.

Email Analytics

Track open and response rates of your pitches, and interact with reporters directly on our platform to land interviews.


Real time notifications when a media contact reads an email or replies to it so you can stay updated on the spot.

Social Media

Connect up to 10 different social channels on one profile so you can manage it all in one place without jumping screens.

Content Calendar

Multi-channel calendar that allows you to schedule posts across all social channels months in advance.

Social Analytics

Keep track of top performing posts, audience growth, and demographics across all channels in one platform.

Image Editor

Create your own graphics with the right dimensions for your social posts using our fully integrated imade editor.

Video Posts

Upload videos to post across all social media channels, including reels & stories. Even select the thumbnail for it.


Keep track of likes, comments and shares across all social posts on all channels in one place. Interact with your fans!

Free Photos

Millions of royalty free images to use for your social posts, search the database to find any that match your needs.

AI Posts

Not sure what to post about? Our AI Post Generator will suggest social posts AND relevant graphics to use.

Integrations & Perks

Local TV News

Land news interviews at local news affiliate stations where you live or where you’re traveling to.

Global TV News

Looking for a larger pressence? Use the generator to have conversations with global TV news outlets.


Get featured in local and national newspapers to expand your reach in print for a more physical presence.


Land yourself a feature in print magazines that are shipped to the door step of your target market.

Online News

Boost your SEO by landing mentions and features at popular digital media outlets with a large audience.


Small or large doesn’t matter, more media coverage is always a win. Land yourself interviews on all sizes of podcasts.

Blog Posts

Get yourself in front of unique niche audiences leveraging mentions and news on others blog sites.

Radio Stations

Land yourself interviews on both local and national radio stations, whether AM or FM, iHeart Radio or others.


Start conversations and build potential partnerships with influencers leveraging our pitch generator.


Integrated with both your business page and Facebook group, schedule content across both to keep them engaged.


From images, reels, and stories… build your IG following leveraging our platform from one convenient place.


Struggling to come up with a message? Leverage our AI to write you a post that fits your message and their limit.


Upload and schedule videos to go live on TikTok and start building an audience through viral videos.


Upload your most recent YouTube video to your channel, and even select the thumbnail to match.


Upload posts to your personal profile or videos to your business page to build your professional network.


An overlooked platform. Upload videos and posts to build a presence with your Reddit audience.


Create pins and build your audeince through our powerful pinterest integration, including video uploads.

Google Business

For those with local businesses, we’ve integrated with this platfor so you can boost your local presence online.


Interact and engage with an audience through a secure server without having to share personal information.

Live Support

Need help while using the platform? No proble, we’ve got live chat available 24/7 to help you with anything you need.

Whether you’re a new or existing business, PressNation is

The Ultimate Digital Influence Tool for:

Try PressNation Today

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30 Day FREE Trial

We believe in PressNation so much that we’re giving you a free trial to check it out before you make any form of financial commitment. Come fall in love for free and then stick around to continue gaining earned media coverage for your brand.

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